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  • Brad Smart

How to Use Drone Aerials to get your next Video Production.

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

As a film or video producer what do you really want out of your current production?

If you’re like most of us, you want that production to look fantastic and you want to make sure your client is going to give your company their next production.

That’s just plain common sense.

One of the best ways to make your production look great, pop out of the screen, and have scale and dimension is to use well-crafted aerial footage.

Aerial footage adds grandeur and the client perceives their product is being represented on a bigger stage.

Happy client, and one step closer to getting that next production.

Many of us remember the days that aerial footage could only be shot from a helicopter.

If you wanted rock solid images, that meant using cumbersome Tyler mounts or Wescams to get enough stability to shoot from the height that pilots have to fly around metropolitan areas.

Make no mistake, there are still some locations in our major cities that can really only be shot from a chopper, but for the rest, drones are now providing a cost-effective solution for video producers.

To cash in on this game-changer, a lot of production companies have rushed out and bought themselves one of those tiny drones.

So have many real estate agents and hobbyists.

Well, that’s all great, but most people don’t understand that there are complex rules to follow when you start using drones commercially, and, the penalties for not following them can be somewhere around the price of a small car.

If you’re a serious producer, I’m sure you don’t want to be exposed to that sort of liability.

You hire professional DoPs, directors, sound guys, gaffers and grips; whoever’s needed to make your production look great, right?

So, why would you cut corners to create aerial shots that are going to make your client sit up with a smile and sign a cheque.

Any quality aerial work should be done by a team that’s highly-experienced, and can craft the shots you need for your production by working collaboratively with your director and DoP.

At Drone Nation, our pilots are cameramen with years of experience and they know how to work closely with other creatives to get results.

Our team has always had a good relationship with CASA, having been granted official approval to work within 3nm of both Melbourne and Moorabbin airports on many occasions.

Need further reassurance of our work?

We’ve been shooting aerial construction footage for the Victoria’s MetroRail crossings for over two years.

Our crew has shot POV simulations for the new Australian Unity House right in the heart of Melbourne, bridge construction at Deakin University, and, regular aerials for television shows, like iFish, in every state and territory of Australia, as well New Guinea, Cook Islands and New Zealand.

If you want to create a happy client and have them give you their repeat business, give them something special in your next production – aerials, that make them say ‘wow’.

Call me today and let’s talk about what you’ll need for your next production.

Brad Smart

Drone Nation


Mob: 0418 311011

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